For SURJ NYC Members

Anti-Mass Incarceration Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, March 18, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

Join the Anti-Mass Incarceration Working Group for an evening of political education and action. We will learn about and discuss an aspect of the prison industrial complex and we will build our base in order to better show up for our partner Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP).

Immigration Justice Monthly Meeting

Tuesday, March 25, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

New and returning folks are invited to join our Immigration Justice Working Group's monthly meeting!  After some political education we will check about our ongoing work to disrupt Trump's mass deportation plans here in New York State. We will discuss ongoing work with the Dignity Not Detention campaign, including regular phone zaps and our upcoming Albany lobby day, as well as touch base about our participation in mutual aid organizing and local actions.

Housing and Immigration Justice Survey

The Housing Justice and Immigration Justice working groups have been thinking of ways to take action together around the cruel and damaging policies and rhetoric against the asylum seekers who have recently arrived in our city. Help us plan by letting us know what topics you might want to learn more about.


The Calling-In team is seeking volunteers (ideally those who have participated in a Calling-In Workshop, though new members welcome too!) who are interested in strengthening the calling-in culture of SURJ and helping to expand and deepen calling-in skills within the NYC chapter. Varying levels of experience are welcome (including none at all). The team needs help with the following roles:

  • Facilitators
    Time commitment is 1-3 hours per month
    Help prepare and facilitate Calling-In Workshops and practice sessions. Role includes familiarizing oneself with workshop curriculum, shadowing workshops and practice sessions to gain and hone skills, helping to prepare and facilitate workshops and/or practice sessions with a partner, and debriefing afterwards. Facilitators meet on a monthly basis for sharing and solidarity. Facilitation experience helpful but not necessary and all new or potential facilitators are welcome to move at their own pace.  

  • Comms/Admin Work
    Time commitment is around 1-2 hours per month
    Support communications and logistics for Calling-In Workshops and practice sessions, and serve as the main liaison between participants and facilitators. This is a key role for welcoming and sustaining participation in SURJ activities. Activities include preparing workshop invitations and announcements, working with the SURJ NYC Communications Working Group to promote workshops, setting up registration forms, arranging Zoom or other meeting logistics, and supporting follow-up with workshop participants and teammates. This is a great role for anyone who loves these kinds of tasks or wants to be part of Calling-In but not in a facilitator capacity.

  • Cross-Working Group "Synergizers"
    Time commitment is around 1-3 hours per month
    Support the strengthening of relationships between the Calling-In team and other working groups and neighborhood committees. This role is key to strengthening relationships across the SURJ NYC chapter. Activities include sharing updates from other working groups’ meetings and developing opportunities for calling-on workshops or practice sessions with them (based on their campaign needs). Interested folks should participate in Calling-In monthly meetings and be active with at least one other working group.

Join the SURJ NYC Welcome team

We are looking for a volunteer to join the SURJ Welcome Team. It is an awesome, small team of people who support the Welcome Orientations for new SURJ members. You will gain skills in facilitation and onboarding, join a team of amazing humans, and also get to meet new people interested in SURJ! 

What does this work involve? 

  1. About three hours of onboarding training for facilitation and administration (and after this, it is super easy!)

  2. Twenty minutes of admin once/month

  3. One hour of facilitation each month