Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a huge deal for every organization that relies on donations in order to operate - your inbox is probably flooded right now. If you just need a quick way to move your money to anti-racist organizations this Giving Tuesday, this is that link.

SURJ NYC will be splitting everything we receive through this link over the next week evenly between our partners at Release Aging People in Prison (RAPP), the Mannahatta Fund, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR), Justice Committee (JC), the Dignity Not Detention campaign (DND), and SURJ NYC.

Think about what you feel comfortable giving, then double that - maybe it’s a little uncomfortable, but possible? Maybe even doubling that is also ok? We don’t expect anyone to go without the things they need, or to stretch so far that they’re concerned about survival, but for many white people the reality is that we have access to resources beyond what we need.

If thinking critically about your resources and class position is something that makes you uncomfortable, anxious, or is something you simply haven’t done, we invite you to join our chapter meeting this Thursday, December 5, 6:30-8:30pm. This meeting will focus on unpacking our relationships to class and money, which will help prepare us for our January chapter meeting, where we will each figure out who we want to move our money to, and how much we can move.

We look forward to being in community with you as we all work toward aligning our resources with our values.

In solidarity,